In my own words Ill tell ya wot pplz ur mum a sis like dat dont let go them go eva i know some some times it may fill like they dont give a s**t but when s**t may happen to u they will be there i know it. i see life now as they need u just as much as u need them. i goot stabbed 19/11/07 if i didt think i cood of lost my life, da point is y lie about shit y be a player just coz u think it makes u look good when it dont y think ur a bad man when there is always some1 out there biger than u. all im trying to say is life is to f**king short dont be that mug coz if u do u will not like it when ur older tc pplz (,)1LOVE (,) LIVE LIFE ITS MENT TO BE LIVED
From Now On... im looking out for the ppl dat mean the most to me love gose's a long way (LIVE LIKE IT SHOD BE LIVEED)