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Up for a laugh, kindhearted,sociable gal
Name: devilwithwings
Details: 43 years old (Virgo), Female, Single, Lesbian
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/devilwithwings
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me lookin serious! *mwah*
my m8's posin!! lol
It's meeeeeee!
In my own words

I'm honest, luv 2 laugh till my sides hurt, luv 2 go out and dance the night away but love cosy days&nights in front of TV. ;-) Luv 2 sing wherever i go, although, people can find it annoying! Luv 2 cheer up others who deserve it! So, if you need cheering up, jst msg me! x x x x :-) x x x x
In A Perfect World...

...there wouldn't be so many bull*@*@*ers!!! No liars and no cheats but hey...this isn't a perfect world!!! lol However, without these people we wouldn't be able to appreciate the ones that are decent and true!!! Show others how you feel, actions always spk louder than words and always treat others the same way you would like 2 be treated in return! ;-) xx xxx xx
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Favorite Things

Luv chinese!!! ...yum

Like all kinds , except classical

TV Show
Not really in2 TV. Listen to music mostly

The Italian Job..mmm..Charlize Theron!!

Night Club / Bar
Planet Out/Cc's

My wee pussy cat....Flick.

Y'all know who you are!


mmm..my ghd straightners!! ;-)


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