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Brown hair, green eyes about 511
Name: Dave
Details: 37 years old (Cancer), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Bedfordshire/Anglesey, Wales, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/demon_dave
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In my own words

I enjoy keeping fit by going to the gym, love playing sports - anything is good. Im also into Martial arts and do that whenever I can. I like going out with my friends and having fun - generally start off in the cuffs bar or the pickle factory on camp and end up in Stevanage, Bedford or Hitchen for a few drinks (few being stumbling from taxi and feeling crappy in work the next day few). If you want to chat message me or add me to msn([email protected]) Please can you rate me too. Thank you.
This Week's Plan...

Is to win the lottery (just because i want to) then build a time machine (which will be a duck sellotaped to a microwave) and take over the world mwwwhahahaaa. Ok i don't have any plans this week:( lol
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Favorite Things

Chicken, Salad, Pasta, I eat most things.

Anything at all

TV Show
Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad are all great.

I have a mixed collection.

There are so many good ones to choose.

Night Club / Bar
Liquid/Envy, Oxygen.

Home - nothing beats that, oh & my bed, mm sleep


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