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+*+I'm always up for a gd chat.. If u need to talk.. I'll listen x x. Also rate me Plz.. Thnx u+*+
Name: Anthony
Details: 33 years old (Taurus), Male, In Relationship, Gay
Location: Redcar, Cleveland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/deepgroundangel_x
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This really is the current me..
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In my own words

Hi I'm Anthony. I'm currently at college.. Prior Pursglove and couldn't be happier. Well I could.. Looking back at all my old photos I could see why many people wern't interested in me.. I was a bit weighty and had a bad face.. But I pulled through and I am starting to look better than I ever have. I'm feelinf more confident and pround of being me.. I onlt wish that other people wouldn't just judge me on looks and just honestly want to get to know me. I mean I'm not a bad guy I have a heart of Gold. Iv'e been told. I could never hurt someone.. Be that phyically or mentally.. I'm just not that type of person... I would like to get to know more people.. Be that friends or whatever. In the last two years I have come along way both psyically and mentally myself.. I am mature for my age. Great sense of humour.. Most of the time I'm a bit random but its all good. Anyway add me on msn. [email protected]
Blog 2 posts | view all
People.. Why so quiet?
Hey all you people out there... Sitting at your computers like me.. Coz theres nothing on telly and nothing to do.. Just a nice lazy day.. to put up your feet and browse the internet.. In hopes of finding someone to talk to.. Or summit ...
Anyway this blog is basically here to say " We should all be less quite and just add people to our friends lists or at least start talking to each other a little more.. Considering the silence is kinda awkward and it would be great if we all just talk
My Eternal Dilemma...

if you dont love yourself then no1 will love you back :)and that I will become something that everyone else will hate and despise.. and look upon and judge me.. Is it really all about the looks? what about the person behind them.. do you really know them? or do you just trust them because they look perfect? So I shall never doubt.. In my judgement.. I have met some wonderful people in the last two years.. They are all so great and have become such close and good friends.
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Comments 3 of 3 | post a comment | view all
sexi_never_left wrote...  
iyaaa anth ow ya doin kidda hope ure ok love shivvy cee xx
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stacelovincraig_x wrote...  
shexi lmfao u okies? there aint n e comments on ere since last tym a checked, btw am pissed so yeh, n there was this tym n yeh, thn there was lyk yeh so i was lyk yeh :) YEHHH :p
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stacelovincraig_x wrote...  
hiyaaaa bruvaa :P howz u n ermmm a lyk tha profile lotzz, toodles n e wayz xx
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The Present Me
9 photos
Photos of me
7 photos
Ma 18th
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Favorite Things

Mince&Dumplings YUMMIEZ!!!!

Alternative/Gothik Rock, Dance, Pop etc

TV Show
Blood Ties, Ghost Whisperer, Supernatural, etc.

I Have Lots Yeyzzz

Many movies. I tend to like most genres.

Night Club / Bar
Elgins,Barracuda,Blue Lounge n O'Gradys

Love animals... My mother has lots ;;

Anyone who I can call friend

My Bedroom, (I Luff Sleep)

My Mind :D


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