In my own words IM BACK NOT BEEN ON IN AGES hello im amy i have a fiancee called david i have 3 tattoos and snake bites im my own person so dont go a head calling me a goth or punk etc. i am in a band called Element Of Reason i am lead vocals i love hanging around with my mates and I love HIM there the best band in the world.well thats it i think msg me please! miss morphine x
well im dead happy me and rich going great SO FUK NAT!
much luv xxxx xXxmiss-morphinexXx
The Meaning Of Life... love it to the max dont let anyone take your life away its your life love it to the best you can
i aint bad love. looks as though faceparty is trying to be like emospace (myspace) with the commenting. i doubt i'll be seeing you in town anytime soon, so i'll probably speak to you later on msn