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Come to Bellarouse, where wild animals steal your fruit
Name: Gareth
Details: 34 years old (Scorpio), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Cambridge, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/dark-gaz52
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Me in a suit
feeling lucky punk?
In my own words

Hmmm what should i say about myself well im Gareth, but most people call me Gaz, BelGareth or Elmo, I do have other names but they arnt really used, hmmm I use to be in a band as a vocalist and I was trying to form a band, but due to circumastances, such as my voice fucking up and not haveing the time, I've given up on that, for now, as you may be able to tell already im a big lover of music, its my comfort blanket, im always listening to it, without it id be insane, really, my fave type of music is Rock & Metal, with my fave bands being Muse and Nine Inch Nails, I'm also a writer, not a good one but a writer, i write mainly sci-fi and fiction books, none of my books have been finished, I also enjoy reading, I find it an escape, its my one way of unwinding, other than listening to music and im pretty much doing both at the same time anyway, if you want to know what books I've read or I'm reading then take a look down as that section is
This Week's Plan...

laughing at watching monkeys, in comfortable trousers, attacking children
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Favorite Things


rock mainy but muse and NIN just rule

TV Show
Lost, Simpsons, Futurama, SG1 & FarScape

David Eddings, Patrick Tilley and Stephen Lawhead

V for Vendetta, 300 & The Matrix

Night Club / Bar
Any that serves decent beer

Hawk, Dragon, Raven, Wolf

My friends, cant live without them

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My bed its very comfy

Hi-Fi, Mp3 Player, Leather Coat, 360 & my N80


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