just wanna say a great big HELLO to everyone who knows me (or should i say those who THINK they know me)yep that includes you Clare(my big sis)her fella Harvey-Katie-Gary-Matt-Cheeky Cheeks-Andy-Joey-Dave-James-Alan-Carl-Chris(my little baby)and i better say hi to Warren too just so he does'nt shout at me....not!! A special little message for my wanna be Angel cousin Jessica and my mate Dawn although you both really try hard i'm sorry honeys but you aint never gone be the little Angel that i am!!! i gotta give you top marks for being little Danielle wannabe's though keep it up and you never know one day you just might prove me wrong and become a first grade angel....Anyway i love all of you like crazy...and yes Harvey even though it pains me to say it even you...lol see you all soon
My Eternal Dilemma...
what would happen if everyone flushed thier toilets at the same time? why do they call them buildings when there already built? what's the difference between see through and clear? why can't we sneeze with our eyes open? do you scratch an itch or itch a scratch?if pizza's round why is the box always square? if you pull the wings off a fly will it then be called a walk? what happens if we get scared to death .TWICE? it worries me that doctors call what they do 'practice'