In my own words <-´¯`..´¯`->U win sum U lose sum.. but hey i seriously think its bout time ma luck changed cuz i defo prone to losin lol~ *lix* I like ma man like ma fajita's.. tasty.. well wrapped <in me lol>.. hot.. n baggin loadza cream.. YUM!!:)lol ~ O n stop takin everyfing i say so serious.. freakin pole dancer ma *beep*.. im not lookin to meet ne 1 off ere.. same as im not really lookin for 'love'.. i guess im jus on ere to kill a coupla hrs!! ~ yea i do got a cam.. n no i aint gettin derrty wit u on it! ~ like i said b4 i think mixed race men r yummy.. but dat dunt mean dat i only go for that 'type'.. i do like younger <lookin> men ~ i really believe dat no one is 'too gud' or 'not gud enuff' for sum1 else ~ *shinin thru* ost. save the last dance.. 'we'll stand and fight, walk by faith n not by sight we're all da same colour when we turn off da light' *shinin thru* ost. save the last dance<-´¯`..´¯`->
My Funniest Moment... <-´¯`..´¯`->More like ma most embarressin.. one day in da summer bout 5 yrs ago i was playin kerbie <yes kerbie.. lol.. where u throw a ball at a kerb and ave to catch it.. im such a kid!> wit ma nephews and dis boi i really fancied pulled up wit his mates in a car and challenged me!! was soo embarressed.. i won tho.. lol!<´¯`..´¯`->