In my own words Im a cheeky girl with a funny sense of humour! i like to go out with friends and have fun... well who dont!! lol i speak my mind,.... ill tell u straight if i dont like u or i have a problem... but i aint a bitch, infact i fink im bloody great!! haha
if u dont like me then fuk off... i am who i am!!! :-p xxxx
y does it say i have adult pics?!?!?! i bloody dont!! only ma boobs but wats wrong wv that... they not out at all!!!! ahhaa n im winnin at poker even tho im soooo shite n im off ma bloody head!!! ryte deffo imoff coz im chattin shite!!
bye bye!! xxxx
In A Perfect World... the boy i wanted would be mine already!!!! xxxx
ay up my m8!! im fallin asleep here so im gonna go!! awww jst gonna give my babys a kiss mmm my lickle muzz mwah mwah haha am a geek at tyms lmao bt who cares ay not me pmsl u on 2mz dani love?? xxx
orrr u tight get lmfao iv jst blanked her in the bar haaaa dayna i mean wot a boring git haha!! get a personality init dani love we both crul haaa fuk it anyways she aint avin me we like that 1 dnt we!! was topin my tan up allday yesterday in the pool an that!! ooo yesss cummmm onnn greek god lmfto xxxx