In my own words ..Im known by alot of people as a loving and funny person..a person with a good personality and a shoulder 2 cry on..i see myself an independant woman and i deffinatly believe in living life to the full and enjoying every moment, coz life is too short for sadness!! (..[LiVe] As If YoU wErE tO dIe ToMoRrOw..[LeArN] aS iF yOu WeRe To LiVe FoReVeR..)
..A day at the police station..
Today i was at the police station, they caught me and filed a case against me..Im fucked because the evidence is very clear..they are charging me with POSESSION OF A CUTE SMILE Haha!! :-)
If I was a Millionaire... ..I would travel the world..Have a mansion next to the beach in the philippines and drive a Lamborghini..OH YEAH!! LOL