|  Name: | Carl | |  | Details: | 36 years old (Aquarius), Male, Single, Straight |  | Location: | gloucester, United Kingdom |  | Profile Link: | www.faceparty.com/damn_fool |
  In my own words
 spose u'll av 2 know me?I luv 2 listen 2 my music =D=P i like bein wiv me m8s, n i like to tlk 2 ppl, an meet new ppl :P i dnt like it wen ppl judge me, n make me seem a bad person, its nice wen ppl acctually giv ya a chance 2 tlk 2 em, n not ignore em n stuff, i h8 feisty ppl n self centred atention seekers :P i dnt acctually h8 alot of ppl, jus the way sum r?? if tha dosent make sence then thats jus me all over=P i luv mad crazy ppl they giv such gr8 amusment=Dso no matter wot others say, if ur a crazy madhead, ITS A DAMN GOOD THING=D i cud say alot of other things but rite now i cant think cos im 2 busy singin my heart out"LA" hehe maybe ill edit this sumtime... gd shout 2 my m8s and beccy=)my good friend |
 If I was a Millionaire...
 well duh then id be a rich freakin idiot!!!?w0o0o0o |
|  |   Favorite Things Food edible food,takeaways=D Music punk,rock,emo,metal,hvy metal nu metal TV Show bottom young ones farther ted=DPunk'd jackass=D Author wtf's an author!!!????lol i dnt read much rele Movie house of 1000corpses,nightmare before xmas! Night Club / Bar crackers...on a thursdays,sumtimes Animals turtles...nah duno:P Person uhhh duno, i cant pik a fav frm all the ppl i no Website Click here to view Place duno, i av a few :P Possession/Thing hehehee...."thing" |
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