In my own words Looking to hear from bi fems for flirty dirty online fun!! And if you're gonna rate me message me to let me know who you are!!! Feel free to add me on to MSN (Girls only). My email is [email protected] I'll be waiting for you! And one more thing, if you add me to MSN (or vice versa) and I don't feel like chatting then puleaaasssseeee don't call me uptight or stuck up. Generally happy to talk to any females on her (sorry guys but when will you realise that Girls Only means No guys) and to the freak that has asked me twice to marry him without ever having spoken to me go to
From Now On... Given up on men cos they can't read and they don't listen (one or two notable exceptions) so this is now for girls only. Men - your messages will be deleted as soon as they are read so do your self a favour and save some time and go on to the next profile!
hey, how are you! You got a nice profile, it would be nice talking to you! holla back with you email (msn) aite i'll see ya then or add me lataz kisses SaraH