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Too few understand the true meaning of life...
Name: Colin
Details: 41 years old (Scorpio), Male, Single, Bisexual
Location: Farnborough, Hants, UK, Hampshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/cyberdaemon
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Gallery 18 certificate
Cyberdaemon passing test
Reclining I
In my own words

Many people have their own dreams and ideals, but only those who work hard for those dreams can hope to succeed...
No longer online at home.
Hail All! :-)
Recently, it seems that I have been spending far too much time on the Internet for my own good, and this has had notable negative impacts on my health and daily lifestyle. Additionally, my financial situation over the last few days has taken a serious nose-dive, and as a result I am no longer able to afford an internet connection at home. Therefore, my visits here will be rare (If at all) from hereon in. :-(

Farewell... :-)
In A Perfect World...

...We would be living a dream, for achieving Perfection is impossible in our reality...Although if the World were to lose technology and go back into a Medieval state, then we would come as close to perfection as would be possible for a race like ours.
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Cyberdaemon Uncovered
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Cyberdaemon's Photos
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Favorite Things

A large pork chop, with 'tatties & peas.

Heavy/Black/Death Metal, and some others.

TV Show
Red Dwarf, Robot Wars and Time Team.

J.R.R. Tolkien and David Gemmel.

Lord of the Rings and Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Night Club / Bar
Slimelight, and Headbangers Ballroom (Ger).

Spiders, Wolves and Dragons!

A maiden who would know me and still love me! :-)

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Scottish Highlands, or anywhere else in the North

My Swords! (Only two, but hopefully more soon!)


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