In my own words im a happy person up for a larf not at all serious unless i need to be but have a very short temper very rowdy at times but aslong as u dnt go there you dnt need to worry i have natural blonde hair and really big black eyes im quarter italian but im only 5ft1 so im really tiny lol and b4 u ask.... yes i have msn but if ur fit enuf den ask if ur not dnt bother!yes dat is me in dem pics n no im not fake n if i fink ur worth it ill prove it on webcam oh yeh got dat too! lol btw i luv 6 pacs!!!!
~Only Got A Few Friends...Better Ones Than Yours Though~
~Hated By Many...Dont Care...Loved By The Few That Matter~
~Dont Judge Me If You Dont Know Me~
~im a bitc
My Dream Date... would be with my baby to take me out buy me a rose tell me he loves me and mean it but none of this one date love confession fing n clingy dats freaks me outx but hes already done it mwah love u xxxx
Hello babes, your stunning! liked your pics n profile so thought id drop you a message. Have you got msn? if so add me [email protected] or message me back on here when you get a chance. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks gorgeous. Sam x