In my own words |[ ]| vicki louise |[ f f ]| 08/09/89 |[ ]| Sze 6 |[ z ]| virgo |[ 0z ]| Drinking, partying |[ ¢ f0 ]| Hartlepool but live in shitty TIDWORTH |[ f ¢ ]| Pink |[ ¢ ¢ ]| ..? |[ s s g ]| Blue eyes |[ s ss ]| Brown Hair |[ s ]| People That Love Her |[ s z ]| ???? |[ ss ]| All My Mates bck in germany |[ wud 4 ]| Friends And Family |[ S¢a f ]| Spiders |[ a ]| Anyone That Hates Her |[ v ]| Some Who Will Love Her |[ t ]| Like You Would Want Me To Treat You |[ S ]| When You Think Of Me |[ lukin4 ]| dat special SUM1
hi gorgeous how are you.just browsin and u caught my eye.u r very pretty,well lush babe and u have such an amazin lil sexy body.would love to get to no u msn is [email protected] hope to hear from u babes cos ur so fukin stunnin.xxxx