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Kingdom come
Name: Pat aka Skater P
Details: 34 years old (Leo), Male, Single, Straight
Location: Manchester, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/curlylad
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In my own words

Theres 3 kinds of people in this world. Those that watch things happen, Those that let things happen, and then theres people that MAKE THINGS happen. What kinda person are you ?.

Born in Liverpool. Raised in manchester. But i never foget where i come from. I skate so hopefully im gonna be a photographer in years to come taking pictures of skaters in their element while there doin there thing. I also want to make Inderpendent films and create good Cinematography which will show the inside story to skating and the community that surrounds it. At the moment im on the summer break where i guess im gonna get up to some weird and wonderful things. I have alot of heros in my life, to many to say but they are the people who keep me going, and make me the person i am today. I'm a born leader and an artist at heart. Music and film are my thing(s). I take little things very serious but try to brush them off as much as possible. I'm a real per
The Meaning Of Life...

In this country,you gota first make the money.Then when you have the money, get the power.and when you get the power,then you get the women.
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Comments 6 of 6 | post a comment | view all
babemandi wrote...  
To see the best girls in the world haha x
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babemandi wrote...  
Haha well if u want the best u hav got 2 come 2 liverpool x
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sexinic0le wrote...  
excatly the same lol I have no idea why Im still up but what the hell woooo lets have a partay! your place or mine?! :P x
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sexinic0le wrote...  
Lol woooo I love that song :P how r uuuu? x
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babemandi wrote...  
Nice profile x x
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x-x--kirsty--x-x wrote...  
Party in my pants and youre invited ;) xD xx
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You're trippin', cuz.
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Favorite Things

Pasta / Bicuits shit like that ya hear me? :]

Hiphop / Rap / exsperimental

TV Show

Tupac Amaru Shakur

IceCream Vol. 1, B.unique checkmate

My Mother

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New York City / Paris

Skating / Ufc / Girls / Basketball / Breakdance


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