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Name: Donna
Details: 37 years old (Leo), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Peterlee, co durham, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/cuddlybear16
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mmmmmmmmmmmm yummmy!
Me looking stunned in a photo booth
In my own words

definately time I updated this thing, well my name is Donna, my spare time is mostly spent either working, or getting drunk and having a giggle with the girls, and house parties, my friends do seem to be having alot of those lately..hmm. hehe. I am in my first year of my graphic design degree so I'm either stuck in work or college alot of the time. umm what else can I say.. I'm learning to drive at the moment, I love photography, I LOVE spongebob squarepants, I'm STILL trying to complete the legend of zelda - ocarina of time (god I love that game!), ...got loads more to say but thats what messaging is for. So if you fancy a chat or anything, or you just live in the area and just fancy getting in touch, just message me and I'll reply as soon as I can.
Love Donna xx
This Week's Plan...

Look for a new job, finish my summer project before the 21st september!!
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Favorite Things

coq au vin, its gorgeous

loads of stuff, you'll have to ask

TV Show
sex and the city

Lori Foster (godess among all women.lol)

pulp fiction and The fifth element,

Night Club / Bar
varsity in durham

my goldfish cornelius and eggburt and my cat jet

I dunno...my mam I guess, and my friend ruth

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Cafe Nero in Durham, and my bedroom

my laptop and my tongue piercing!


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