|    In my own words
 A person is only skin deep, it is what is underneath that counts!..I am a down to earth, funny, normal girl, who sees the simplicity in life ;-) I am not a worrier or a planner. Every dream can be reached if you want it enough. We all have a journey in life to fulfil, important as the next man. I can be rather opinionated, but always listen to others, after all, you cant argue alone ;-) I tend to believe in the unbelievable. Nothing in my world cant happen, everything has an opportunity and a possibility. Sad many have sold out to a commercial society and a limited world. I love nature and can daydream forever. Taurus born so I am stubborn as hell, and never be defeated, well until I say so ;-). I have 3 wonderful children, who show me daily the beauty and innocence we tend to lose as we grow! I don't live as many would class as a 'normal' life, and why would I want too. ;-)... |
  Blog | 5 posts | view all |  |  |  | OoO..Fav Website Link -> ->...OoO
|  | What Faceparty deem adult and to class a picture private these days, is hilarious...So check out My Favorite Website link ;-)...
xx |
 My Eternal Dilemma...
 Got to love the first person who walked passed a cow and thought to themselves..Wonder what will happen if I pull those dangley things and drink what comes out!...Any money it was a bloke ;-) Someone has to love them xxx |
|  |   Favorite Things Food I am pregnant!...Everything ;-) Music James Blunt, Dance, Tracy Chapman... TV Show Don't Watch ;-)... Author Darwin... Movie Name of the Father... Animals Baji... Person We All Make The World Go Round ‹(¿)› Website Click here to view Place Where I Am Now... Possession/Thing A Match... |
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