In my own words I was born on my own so i'll die on my own. My thoughts are way to complicated and deep for any of you to understand. Im very much two different people do not ask me why i culdn't tell you. I will never understand people who say 'i can change' when there relationship is not working out. (your willing to sacrafice being yourself if you change not only are you faking yourself your faking the relationship your in) I have a few scars some physically some mentally. I work. Its shite but its money nevertheless. Im 20 and i am not a 'baby father' Im very arguementative in what i believe in. You will not beat me in a arguement if im in a stubborn mood. (feel free to try) I drink alot im a waterholic. I turn alcaholic on weekends. (i will drink you under the table. Unless your northen) We are not 'friends' if i haven't known you atleast 3 years you are people i know. (nothing personal) I love music. (The longest i go is about 5mins w
If You Pay Me... Id Do Pretty Much Anything. Except Maybe Eating Something Wrong. Altho Thinking About It Everything Has Its Price So Yeah Anything! Give Me A Price And A Challange And Il Let You Know!