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I'm south african..says it all really ;)
Name: Jo :)
Details: 35 years old (Capricorn), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: Cannock.. :(, West Midlands, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/crackqueen
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Mansons My Bitch
In my own words

Hey im jo a 5ft foreigner(south African),i am not a druggie the name just made me giggle,i love things of the dirtiest natures,i talk to trees....Been in the uk for 8ish years now its had its up and downs,i love music i will listen to pretty much anything and if i like it,it may become an addiction,My friends and family mean the world to me!i love fire sometimes to a unhealthy degree so ive been told...

I love shiny pretty things,i love getting messy,i have a sick sense of humour at times,im weird,but hey if you really want to get to know me then just do it the easy way and ask!
i touched a goat which called itself a llama then ate a panut and sang the peanut song....a peanut sat on a railway track his heart was all a flutter the train came down the track choo choo peanut butter... it was magical i liked it ....
In A Perfect World...

Munchkins would rule the earth and attack with their unshiny spoons!!!! and they would mosh all night and stuff...nipples...and penguins would mosh with me...because penguins Rule! yes
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Comments 10 of 152 | post a comment | view all
will_cornish wrote...  
Hi there. I hope you dont mind but you seem cool and thought i would send a message! You ok? You look amazing in your pics! So what are you up to? :-) x
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mckay-kay wrote...  
me too :D
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mckay-kay wrote...  
Hello, i once had a competition to see how many peanuts i could fit up nose. After i eased the first three in I attempted the fourth realising the previous three were stuck. I was rushed to A&E where they kindly removed two of the nuts. Unfortunately, they could not locate the third. 13 years on i still have no idea where that little nut has ended up. I ve named him Nige and hope that one day we will be reunited. That will be all. Cheers
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shysally90 wrote...  
Hi gorgeous. Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that you are absolutely stunning hun. Such a shame you're straight though, I could do some really naughty things to you he he ;) Wanna chat? xxx
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southerneddie wrote...  
no way, was defo the best experience of my life :)
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southerneddie wrote...  
Kruger national park, amazing
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altoca wrote...  
you`ve been in the uk for 7 years, were are u from originally Jo? xx
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chris1654 wrote...  
hey hows you fancy a chat
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emily_mai wrote...  
ur a whispering eye!
that is all ;p
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chibideviluk200 wrote...  
whats black and bumps into things
jordans baby!
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Metal,industrial,cybe r,Rock etc etc

TV Show

stephen king

why make a list?

Night Club / Bar
not somuch my thing anymore

Penguins :D and strangely enough sprites


South Africa

That would be telling now wouldn't it


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