In my own words Well where do i start. I work in a car shop selling parts for all the kids out there that want to put silly spoilers on there cars and want to light them up like a christmas tree. I also sell lots of perfance stuff to the older people that want there cars to go like something out of Fast and the Furious. Rate me i also have msn just ask for it.
In A Perfect World... In my Perfect world there would be no F***ING SPEED CAMERS and no F***ING SPEED LIMIT. Old people would be made to retake there test at the age of 55 properly none of this cr@py can u see thing. All TAXI DRIVERS will be made to drive in 1 lane and not all over the road getting in the way of us burning it around town. Oh yeh and the F***ER of the all INSURERANCE. It would be a fixed low price none of this having to declare modification B****CKS putting up our bill.