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How many bears would Bear Grills grill if Bear Grills could grill bears?
Name: clairy439
Details: 39 years old (Aries), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/clairy439
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In my own words

Please do not message me if you think i'm gonna help you blow your load lol.

Well.. welcome to Claire's facebook page. I'v had this for years but it's still absolutely non-original, and the more original I try to make it, the more unoriginal it gets. As you can see I don't have many 'buddies' apart from my sister there, which is maybe a weeee bit original?? TBH i'v just not met many people on here that are original enough to have the honour of appearing on my original buddy list haaaah! Have fun! Be happy! Easier said than done ay!
My Pet Hate...

Having to pull chunks of slimy wet hair out of the shower plughole, cant stand it!!! People complaining about absolutely fuckin stupid things that normal people wouldn't even care about. People that are never happy no matter how good a deal they are getting. Oh and pulling cotton wool off of a big roll, and biting dry towels ewwww shivers!!!! But if I had to choose one.. hmm.. definately the cotton wool!!!!
Comments 10 of 13 | post a comment | view all
mikeh31613 wrote...  
Hi there hows it going? Want to chat some time?
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devil4eva wrote...  
oh yeah you gotta get out let yer hair down. get yer mates unotherwise engaged. is unotherwise a word?
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devil4eva wrote...  
wanna partyyyy? ill bring the baloons! lols x
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angelmidfall wrote...  
Clairy439 = :D
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mentholated wrote...  
hi claire wat u up to at this late hour ?
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xxbronskaxx wrote...  
Your car got mauled by an ibiza Claire. Don't shun the leons!! :P
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feisty_funkster wrote...  
Hey! Now its my turn to be a late replier, lol. Sorry have been really busy will all sorts recently, exams, work etc. So yeah give me a shout on msn if u fancy a yap: [email protected]
Ciao for now x
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feisty_funkster wrote...  
Hey chicca, was just having a look through to see if i could find a new girlie friend to yap to, and spotted your profile. So if you fancy some girlie gossips then hit me back :]
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xxbronskaxx wrote...  
You have an alcohol problem fig. We will have to get that sorted. Come home! :( Love xxxx
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bfsanders wrote...  
hi hows it going?
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Muse, New Order, Dandy Warhols,

TV Show
Just now.. 24

I forget their names, just like their books

Who has time to watch tonnes of movies?

Night Club / Bar

Think iv grown out of animals, that sounds wrong!

Whoever makes me laugh at the time

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My wee purple fiesta lol


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