In my own words alright my name is claire and im from dublin. i love going out with me friends at wk ends and havin a laugh.just enjoyin life at the min. all the stress its not easy bein me. me mates say claire your one of them people that have it all whatever that means. message me and more then likely youll get a reply im nice like that.xxxxlove bebo so if you do to ask me and i might add ye xxx plz rate me thanx xxx
prison break
words cant describe how happy i am that prison break is back, feels like its been gone for ages. the only good thing bout mondays, wentworth miller only the sexiest fella in the world :):):):)
My Eternal Dilemma... remember if he catches you lookin at him, he was lookin back
Cocos?? lmao! U walk into that place with ur shoes on and walk out in ur socks because ur shoes are stuck to the floor. I think its a scam, makin money off all those shoes. Ah good aul sticky floor cocos or is it car wash?