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Any one for a smoke and a pancake
Name: chloelicious
Details: 33 years old (Libra), Female, Single, Straight
Location: London, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/chloelicious
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im a real boy!
In my own words

if you:
.are into whips and chains
.are into dirty webcam fun
.are old enuff to b my dad
.older then me mum
.have a pensioners bus pass
.have trouble going to the loo unaided
and if your just a freeky perv then press [x] NOW!!! LOL.

Oh and all those men that say they are investment Bankers/Brokers! Yeh yeh you wish! Probly work in safeway! lol
Please NO RUDE - BOYS message me! buff ting and all aint my thing. You get me! lol you would'nt believe the people that message you on here! Where have all the normal people gone? lol. TO ALL THE RUDIES! NO RUDE BOYS I AINT NO BABY GURL AND I AINT LOOKING BARE BUFF! DONT MESSAGE ME ITS A WASTE OF TIME!
This Week's Plan...

go to lovly college all week where i get lots of healthy brain stimulation and read lots of literature and shakespeare! eat lots of microwave meals as you do, then when the weekend gets here work all weekend squeezing in vital drinking time before and after this period! sounds like a plan! haha im such a geek!
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Comments 4 of 4 | post a comment | view all
speedy18d wrote...  
hi im deniz from south london u seem like a really nice girl, nice profile and pics u lookin amazin :) so hows life goin? hope ur enjoyin life. i would like 2 get 2 know u better so if ur interested chat 2 me on msn [email protected] hope 2 chat 2 u soon take care xxx D
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jamal7 wrote...  
your sexy
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dougvip wrote...  
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craigp1011 wrote...  
very sexy babe.x
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17 photos
Favorite Things

Chocolate brownies,ben&jerry phish food ice cream

Funky house, R n B, hiphop, Old skool garage

TV Show
Prison Break,Ugly Betty, Simpsons, Friends, Lost

Martina Cole, Bram Stoker, Shakespeare

Scarface, Pulp Fiction,Carlitos Way, Sherik

Night Club / Bar
anywhere! Where theres a bar!

precious my cat

my mum couldnt meet a better person bless her!

On a beach or my bed

Phone, i-pod, bag, t.v, bed, laptop, chocolate


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