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Enjoy Life
Name: chats80
Details: 42 years old (Sagittarius), Male, Straight
Location: All over, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/chats80
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V Festival
V Festival
V Festival
Another day at work
In my own words

I'm Simon, I work all over the world on boats as an offshore geophysicist, it means that I am out of the country a bit but I do get 6 months off a year, allowing me to have as much fun as I possibly can when I am home (I'll try anything once, you might like it).

As I am away a far bit when I get back I like to see my friends and family when I can, so I travel a far bit around the country to see them. Originally I am from Stroud (Gloucestershire).

I love having fun, and being as bad as I can, without getting into too much trouble. When I have the time I go out and do as much as I can. I don't like missing out on anything and enjoy living life to the full, driving, climbing, clubbing, whatever seem like fun at the time.

I do have msn and if you want to add me just ask for my address.
The Meaning Of Life...

Never miss out on an opportunity they only come around once, and then you'll never know what you have missed.
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Comments 6 of 6 | post a comment | view all
wendysworld2008 wrote...  
ty for your comment honey, very nice of you to write. am happy to talk any time. xxx
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moomin35 wrote...  
hey chic
ta 4 the message, hows u?
im very well thank u! bit sleepy, typical monday nite hehe
send me ya addy n il add ya 2mz im in off 2 bed soooon
take care
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missgoodfella wrote...  
Thanx 4 msg, av ran out, so av to send comment instead....
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_no_1_special_ wrote...  
hows u?
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abfab74 wrote...  
sory, delay in replying n outa messages at mo. catch ya again x
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lady_qt12003 wrote...  
hiya just got yr message heres my msn addy [email protected] talk soon
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Favorite Things

Everything why limit yourself

House/Blues & Jazz/Any/I love it all

TV Show
Band of Brothers (when it was on)


The Fall

Night Club / Bar
Anywhere that has good music and lots of drink

Not sure I love animals so there are a few.


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