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Jonathon Creek and glitter Extraordinaire :P
Name: charlotte1987_123
Details: 36 years old (Taurus), Female, Single, Straight
Location: Cornwall, Devon, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/charlotte1987_123
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In my own words

I like:
- My friends
- Elvis - I like to put my headphones in and pretend he is singing only to me
- Putting my IPod in on the street and pretending to be in a film
- Shopping
- Jonathon Creek
- Reading trashy magazines
- Watching cooking programs but not actually cooking
- Dreaming
- Swimming, bodyboarding and surfing
- The sauna
- Pugs in clothes (especially pirate clothes)
- Fashion, clothes, shoes and accessories
- Nights out with my friends
- Reading
- Bats :)

I hate:
- Baby on board stickers
- Birds or feathers
- Being in on a Friday or Saturday night
- Bad grammar (Not cool)
- Adding an 8 into words... it isn't quicker to write m8

And thats really all you need to know about me :D
My Eternal Dilemma...

I don't know if I will ever find a man I adore as much as Elvis...
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Comments 10 of 80 | post a comment | view all
topiaryhero wrote...  
Post this you bitch!!
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mikeywikey1987 wrote...  
I'm ok thank you :) having a nice week so far?
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mikeywikey1987 wrote...  
Np :) i'm fine thank you. How are you doing? x
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zak6969 wrote...  
Hey u ok?? Wow ur an absolute worldy xx
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h699 wrote...  
bonhour u orite ?x
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yellowthing wrote...  
Do you like Willie Nelson too?
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yellowthing wrote...  
Tell me, tell me that your sweet love hasn't died
Give me, give me one more chance
To keep you satisfied, satisfied
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aliban_the_man wrote...  
Hey hun how are you? Glad to say we both have great taste in music :D how is your friday afternoon going you doing much this evening?xx
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dean_davis wrote...  
can I please be your stilettos?
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aj_no1 wrote...  
hey how are you gorgeous x
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Favorite Things

So much! ELVIS! Bright Eyes! :)

TV Show
Eastenders, Come Dine With Me...

Loads! John Connolly :D

Romy and Michele's High School Reunion :)

Night Club / Bar
Anywhere my friends are :D

Bats and dogs.

Friends, family

Seaside or on a roller coaster!

My house keys - how would I get in without them??


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