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Name: michelle
Details: 49 years old (Aquarius), Female, Single, Straight
Location: in a WORLD ov me own lol, Lancashire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/chantelle33
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kerry daz and me yee haa lol !!!xx
little me and the gang celabratin me birthday xx
kerry and wreckhead me lol xxx
off our heads lovin it wot anyte xxx
In my own words

Speak if you know what your talking about...if not, don't bother.Have goals...DO whatever you feel that you can be the best in. Follow your dreams. Don't be someone your not. BE yourself. No matter what you will get HATED on through your life. All that does is make you a stronger and more independant, intellectual human being that has something more to offer than the one that just brought you down. It makes you contribute more for what you believe in and teaches you to work your ass off that much harder. You OWN yourself and can be whatever your heart and soul desires. NO ONE can take that away. Every single person has their own BEAUTY and TALENT...use it and failure will NEVER occur.
My Worst Day...

WAZ WHEN I LOST MY BROTHER WHO WAS ALSO MY BEST FREIND R.I.P SHANE I WILL LOVE U FOREVER FORGET U NEVER. IN MY HEART U WILL ALWAYS STAY,if there was a phone in heaven ,i would ring you evryday just to hear your voice and know that your ok,xxmiss you so much it hurts xx
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Comments 10 of 59 | post a comment | view all
pinklillygal2k wrote...  
just download msn and install it and ill add u its not hard hun
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pinklillygal2k wrote...  
Hey hun, how are you? I could you use the company if ud like to chat, maybe on msn? men issues!! Hows life treating you? P.S Your a very pretty lady xx did u have a nice day? Any plans for weekahead?
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lisac9997 wrote...  
heya u ok? i just thought id send u a random message see if u fancy a chat really pretty sick of lads on here all wanna do is see ma tits pervs lol so wonderin if u fancyed a normal chat if do just add me [email protected]
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iiibeniii wrote...  
hey hun! hows it going? ben x
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12incheslong wrote...  
Hi there. Just thought i'd message you coz i think your gorgeous. xx
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bigalski111 wrote...  
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neil_efc_2007 wrote...  
hiya babe ur lookin stunnin in ur pics do u facny a chat. xx
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drsaucysteve wrote...  
saw ur pic and had to tell u i think ur stunning add my msn if u like its [email protected] or [email protected]
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ryezo21 wrote...  
hey miss, hows things with ya... just wanted to come and say hi, loving the profile very cute;-) maybe get a chance to chat to ya sometime.... take care rye xx
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mrjamessutherland wrote...  
hello sexy how are you? you are very sexy can i please have your msn addy? mail me it or comment me it please wbx
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37 photos
Favorite Things

not fussy hate sprouts thoe (nasty)

Dance Rnb, Reggae UB4O OLDSKHOOL

TV Show
my life is a soap opera lol not gt time 4 the box

martine mcole, jackie collins

shawsshank,scareface, up in smoke lol

Night Club / Bar
anights what u make it, 2mny 2 name!!

mike tyson


my gaff

me clothes& my 4-poster bed lol phnes


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