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Im a Catholic.
Name: Celine
Details: 38 years old (Sagittarius), Female, Straight
Location: Millton Keynes., Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/cenie1
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Me in a restuant wen I was a bit younger.
Me when I was a bit younger.
Me on left and my mate Emma hoilday in Spain.
Me + 1 of my older Sister when we were young.
In my own words

Welcome 2My profile.Nw Lets start wid teling u dat uv good taste4checking out My profile.Im confident sentive gal who always stands up for wat I beileve in.Iv server heart condtion since3months old+ther4hav been trough alot in My life.Its made Me a stronger person but I dnt sit+fel sorry4Myself.I dont get inditmated by peops as iv been through2mch2even care or let dem bother Me.On lighter note Im a high maintance kinda gal+lik guy who can mantain Me.I equly lik looking after My bloke.Im quite funy person+get on realy wel wid lads but on da other hand I do lik2get2gether wid My close bunch of gals2hav a good old gossip+things.Right I lik My bloke2b funy,dark+nt2tal wid a touch of arognacy bout hem.Best of al I lik rich guyslol!Quite fusy I know but its important2gt da guy jst rite4Me.Iv nw realised dat Iv a pasion4da hotel industry+1Day wnt2own My2.Lastly I love Nottingham but mst of al Love shoping
Wow you must really like Me if you've read down to Here! Don't try and deny it now lads! Wow even reading My Blog Now that is immpressive! Right Well My Blog-Tired.Night done alot.
Just like to add if you like Me, which I feel you do, then write to Me on Facebook. If you have not got Facebook THEN WHY NOT?JOIN! If some reason which I can't possible understand work out why you don't want to then write to Me on Here.
In A Perfect World...

There should be no suffering to any living creature.
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Comments 2 of 2 | post a comment | view all
chrisc16 wrote...  
ye i do have face book n dun think your on mine. do you have msn?
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naughtybitch wrote...  
hey hun i know aint seen ya 4 ages hope your ok you should get myspace or facebook or sumet.wotya been up to
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My Life Tree.
5 photos
Favorite Things

Crisps+ Drink water/cider(yer I know its cheap!.)

U2 80s and early 90s.

TV Show
Prsnt-The Aprentice Al tim Past-F.R.I.E.N.D.S. ..

CS Lewis Hes real moral deep meaning 2 His Books.

Borat. Genius that film is!.

Night Club / Bar
Litten tree.


Mum.(+of course Me)!.

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Old Nans house Nottingham Magical.I love visiting

Photos. Brings back meromies + feelings. Magical.


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