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finally ive got what i want,luv you baby
Name: sarah
Details: 34 years old (Sagittarius), Female, In Relationship, Bisexual
Location: pc world, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/candysuckscock
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me again
me on cam
me !!!!
look at us tut tut
In my own words

in my own words life is the best thing you can have just live it as if everyday was your last if you love some1 go for it live is 2 short love the person you are with coz you dont know what you have till its gone and when its gone its gone !!!! mwah xx
In A Perfect World...

there would be no FAKES!!!! LIARS !!!! CHEATS !!!! clubs would be open 24/7 weekends would be longer !!!! XxX MWAH XxX,,,
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Comments 10 of 70 | post a comment | view all
seanyboii wrote...  
hey sarah surprised u still on ere after all these years haha ive just rejoined now they aint chargein people to join hope u n wee family are well these days!! still think of the gud times :-p take care x
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xxevawishxx wrote...  
one word... Wow x
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nine_inch_heels wrote...  
Ahah.. I laughed at that too! I have never even spoke to her so she can go on my wall of fame aha..
You are a beaut :) x
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xlaydeextaniax wrote...  
hiya u ok
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sex_sinner wrote...  
mmm xx
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armyguy015lad wrote...  
Hay there, was just pass in and your profile caught my eye for all the right reasons - so thought id pop over and leave you a quick message and show some love on your page. Hope you okay and well ??? would be great to hear from you and may have a chat some time ???
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carrick23 wrote...  
Hi, just came across your profile and Ive gotta say you look lovely and wondered if you would like to chat sometime? x
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welsh89 wrote...  
hey bbe yu ok wuu2 thn
anythin mch then
i was just lwkin at yur pofile
and yu seem a nice person to talk as
a frend is it ok if i cn hv yur msn
pls wb x
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mayhemw10 wrote...  
what would i do 2u
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armyguy015lad wrote...  
Hay there, was just pass in and your profile caught my eye for all the right reasons - so thought id pop over and leave you a quick message and show some love on your page. Hope you okay and well ??? would be great to hear from you and may have a chat some time ???
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47 photos
Favorite Things

curry,pizza,kebba wiv chilli salad

drum n bass dance bassline

TV Show
footy cage fighting boxing shameless

i dont have 1

any fightin 1s footy 1s friday

Night Club / Bar
anywhere as along as i get pissed haha



my bed haha

meeting new ppl


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