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Tall Dark and VERY Handsome. well so iv bn told :P
Name: liam fearn
Details: 36 years old (Gemini), Male, Engaged, Straight
Location: Bonnie Dundee, scotland, Scotland, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/calseyfaefintry
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this is mah baby...spent 4 n abit grand on it!
me summer of 09
me again :)
me n my pal/hairdresser kim :)
In my own words

hey thanx for checkn out mah profile. can u b a doll n rate me...but be nice :P...xXx ...where do i start im 23 years-young:P iv got a 22 munth old son thts absaloutley gorgeous! weve notlong had our 2nd little man he's as beautiful as his brother he's 8mnths old...will update pics soon i run my own recovery business! thts about it really.... hard to get a minute to maself:P uno what they say tho theres no rest for the wicked;)

if u wana c more pics of me, theres PLENTY on my msn space, as these pics r quite dated, i havnt been on in a while u see...i feel like newbeee again WOOO HOOOO!:p anyways ask me for my addy i myt give u it;)

Im LoVeD bY sOmE, HaTeD bY mAnY, EnViEd By MoSt, YeT wAnTeD bY pLeNtY....

to all those people who think there it, compaired to me u aint worth $h*t....

shout ti the lads, tommy,barry,davie,garry,cooney ,p at, gray, scullion ,georgie,getty,john,seagull, sie,ray,the 2 andys...and the rest of the
In A Perfect World...

we would all be happy, no matter wot our circumstances:)

.ø¤º°°º¤ø¤PLEASE RATE ME PPL¤ø¤º°°º¤ø.
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Favorite Things

chips n cheese n tam sause, (cana beat it)

dance, hip hop,rnb,trance, and house..

TV Show
soprano's, the 6th sence with colin fry, friends.

stephen king

Charlie, football fact,green street, scarface

Night Club / Bar
fattyz, london nightclub

sumtimes...grrrr (6)

my son's <3 my mum,my family,and the lads

where the lagers cheap, and theres gdlookn girls!

mobile, laptop, and my cars...


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