In my own words im abit of a mad head but a good lad realy im lookin to make female friends cos i ant got none now due to them gettin jealous chaps or me gettin jealous birds but im not lookin for girls on call or owt like that cos i aint no player so if ya wanna chat n have a laugh cos i do have a laugh my addy is [email protected]. o yeh rate me please cos i dont seem to get many of them and hope to speak soon bye o yeh if u wanna add me on facebook feel free, john russell just put a note thats where u saw me lol bye
My Worst Day... my worst day ever has got to be when my mum died it was like the end of the world had not morbid or too sensative about it so if anyone is in the same boat or need advise im ya man, im the madest person ya can meet(in the good way)but i can also be good to talk to. o yeh rate me please best day is the day i saw my son born n next to that is when he give me his first smile so my plan is to make him as happy as my mum made me