In my own words Reeeet what can a say, Although that am friggin amaziano. I absalutley Adoreeee Gettin Bamboozled Off me very Face so am that Shmuggled a dunno what day it iz....Ermm thats all ya need to know really half of the rest is Below .... Av got msn, Add iz or message iz Whatever Makes Ya Feel Good ... [email protected].... Le t s all go to Oxfam and Barnedo's with vacuum Dysons Tied To Our Backs Singing . '' Who ya gonna Calll .. GhostBustersss '' .... And Just Snort What You Cannnn Yummmm
My Mum Says... Andrew ya gonna end up dead if ya keep goin the way ya do and a say .. Hew listen Goose .. Am the bestest person in this friggin universe man am class .. Anaa u want me to be a puff nd stay in the house nd read Cathrine Cookson Books But its not happening Mother ... A like the way iam a like walkin down me stairs and seein Paul Daniels and Charles Dickons riding round me sitting room in a brand New Citreon C3 . Proppa Posh.