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why go around chasing an egg..rugby= gay
Name: ryan towers
Details: 37 years old (Cancer), Male, Single, Straight
Location: PrEsTon!!! ( The true home of football), Lancashire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/burgaaaz
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me an some of the lads 4 21st
clowns 2 the left of me jokers 2 the right ha
yea yea very drunk attempt 2 pose half naked
In my own words

am a striaght up guy tell it like it is people av 2 be the same with me no bullshit..A LUV MA MUSIC...am in2 the uk garage/grime , kano ,jme,nasty crew, also bit of biggie an naz. also funky progressive and tribal house, liking Arctic Monkeys' like every1 else at the mo..a wudnt b a a 20 year old northerner if a didnt put oasis down.love goin out wiv ma 'boys' round ma city Preston,browns squires tokes 53,all the usuals, also like blackpool an manchester.any of u gorgeous girls wanna get intouch can find me at [email protected] i also luv ma clothing ,D an G,Evisu, paul smith ,armani an stone island...i jus hate dem guys that wear rockports an tn caps falling off ther head aRrh get sum style u davo's.ha. also think wen an wher the perfect girl is gonna come around..but then again going 2 tokes aint gonna get me anywher,untill then am jus gonna keep playin the field an gettin them girlies!ha
If I was a Millionaire...

as appealing as it sounds, I wudn't be happy. Fare enough I'd experience all the thrills money can buy, but they'd soon become redundant. Besides, I'd probably cave-in under the pressure of maintaining that lifestyle and having less time and ideas to spend it.There's more fulfiling things in life. God forbid I be broke, but I'd rather that if I cud be at peace with my inner-self and have peace of mind.... on second thoughts...SHOW ME THE MONEYY! haha.
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Comments 4 of 4 | post a comment | view all
xxjess974xx wrote...  
oi! listen here u preston chav. or shud i say sex on legs hehehe x
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princessalyshea wrote...  
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hornyhales wrote...  
hmm ur lurrvly looking lol xx
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fabulousfay wrote...  
Total Fittie x
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Favorite Things

bellA Italia pizza,pasta anything italian

keep it funky ...progressive an electro house!

TV Show
funny suff! jackass,pimp my ride, boraatt! :- )

book goda b da vinche code or naughty forty.

pulpfiction,lockstock ,Football factory,happy gil

Night Club / Bar
heaven an hell,browns,liquid.syndicate deensgate

more of a beast! :- )

umm girl whos gud with her mouth ;- )

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in a nice girls bed, EGYPTo :- )

girls,an designerrrr clothing, footy footy footy


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