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|°.| »-(¯`v´¯)-»ÃLY L <3 Z RÕY»-(¯`v´¯)-»|.*|
Name: |.·*|Alison |.·*|
Details: 36 years old (Taurus), Female, Engaged, Straight
Location: v--v×()LÐhÄM - MªÑÇhË$tÈ®]×v--v, Manchester, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/bubble4eva
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Me and Roy, New yrs Morning
Me, Michelle, and Helen
My BabyBee @ on New yrs eve
again @ new yrs eve
In my own words

(`v´) hEyA Am aLiSoN BuT U CaN CaLl mE AlY × If u wAnA ChAt tHeN U CaN AdD Me 2 uR MsN× mY AdDy iS>>> [email protected] × (`v´)
‹› ‹( ¿ )› ‹› 2 AlL U PeEpS WhO DnT LiKe mE ×lOl×
My Best Day...

wAs tHe mInUtE I SeT EyEs oN my BayBeeBoy™ bUt lIfE JuSt gOt bEtA WeN We gOt 2GeVa cUz wE WaItEd lOnG NuFf fOr eAcH OvA. dInT We bAbY? i lOvE YoU So mUcH RoY!!!
ÃLY»-(¯`v´¯)-»RÕY»-(¯`v´ ¯)-»
So tHaT AlL U PeEpS No yEh i dNt lIkE JeLoUs pEePs wHo tHiNk tHeY CaN SpLiT Me n rOy uP.
UpDaTe... Me AnD rOy ArE nOw EnGaGeD AnD MoVeD iN tOgEtHer Now HeHe OuR hOmE iS sO sPeCaIl :D !!!yiPpEe i LoVe HiM sO mUcH
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v--v ChOcOlAtE v--v

±× dAnCe × RnB ±×

TV Show
v--v CoRrIe × EaStEnDeRsErS v--v

±× NaH dNt ReAd LoL ±×

v--v aMeRiCaN pIe × AmErIcAn PiE 2 v--v

Night Club / Bar
±× WaXy'S, ArUbA, LiViNgStOnEs, , LiQuID±×

v--v rOy Is My AnImAl v--v

±× My MaN hE kNoWs WhO e Is±×

v--vLaNzOrOtE WiTh RoYv--v

±×OuR hOuSe OuR bEd × BayBeeBoy™u nO wHo rItE±×


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