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cute and cuddly!!
Name: kate
Details: 34 years old (Capricorn), Female, Engaged, Bisexual
Location: wales...to b exact Ammanford. lol, Wales, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/brodypeep
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look what I get. hehe (sorri babe)
yes, i know!!!
i wasnt drunk.....i swear!!! lol
me in ammanford park (and a lady in the back)
In my own words

I adore people. espesh if they LOVE hugs, coz i love givin them. lol i love ~kisses~ wen im drunk is the best. hehe. ~cuddly stuffs~ ~huggles~ ~alcoholism~ ~my mates~ Gez, Gav, Emz, Bry, and Natalie, *my sexI girly luver, love you [kiss]* luv ew ppl, u r gr8. ~fluffy stuff!!!~ ~nets!!~ ~DRUNKNESS~ the bands i like = THE DISTILLERS!!!!, Slipknot, Jack Off Jill, Dresden Dolls, The Donnas, Cradle of Filth, QOTSA, Audioslave, Madonna, Marilyn Manson, korn, HOLE, Slayer, Lacuna Coil, Foo Fighters, HIM, Killswitch Engage, P!NK, Blondie, kate Bush. My love=Nat <3 (im no stalker *evil laugh*)
um...oo u gots to give me a hug!! or if u want a hug, come to moi and u'll get a big, cuddly 1. ask ma m8s they shuld know. i love bein around/with my friends, and ppl i love ~Nat~ u shuld spend as much time as u can with ppl u love, cuz nethin culd happen the next day... sum ppl are to precious to lose.
My Funniest Moment...

i once fell over a huuuuge grass bank, and broke my foot, afta chasing a blue balloon...lol (they pretty ok!!) lol
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Favorite Things

macains waffles!!! *mmm*

punk, rock, H/M, um...the usual!!

TV Show
fairly odd parents. (it rules)

i dont read much!! but i suppose kerrang! counts.

Tomb Raider, Wrong Turn, Kill Bill. etc

Night Club / Bar

penguins. (they so cute!!)

Brody Dalle n my sexiful Nat,xxx

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my bed.... or Nat's, *mwahah*

fluffy handcuffs...well they not mine..but yeh =D


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