|  Name: | .~*~RoSiE~*~. | |  | Details: | 33 years old (Aries), Female, Single, Straight |  | Location: | ..,*+<x.Worcester.x>+*,.., Worcestershire, United Kingdom |  | Profile Link: | www.faceparty.com/brandy_honey |
  In my own words
 Hiyaaa:D Im rosie well my names roseanna but i profer to be called rosie! i have nicknames (dont ask about ne of them lol) such as; MRS.ROSIE CAKES, RO, RORO, ROSE, ROSERS GAY RAY lol, PEDRO, MOMMY RO, ANNA , ROSAY , RAYMOT lol, ROSS, ROIS, SHIRAZ, ROSETTE , KITTEN, RO-EZE-ANNA, DINGLE, ROSIEANNA, POSIE, ROSIEKINS, ROSIE ROSINGTON, LITTLE MADDAM, BUS STATION GIRL lol. im 16 and i live near worcester! im a natural brunette and i will never change (brunettes have more fun!) and i have reeal dark brown eyes. I have my ears, belly button and nose pierced :P when i got my nose done it made my eye water :( lol My favourite colour is purple. Im excited most of the time lol easy to talk to randoooom and bubly! i love to go out with my friends shopping sunbathin partiiieees n nethin reealy im pretty easy goin! Anyway hope u hav a nice day x x x |
 The Meaning Of Life...
 *.:x.:Is DiFfErEnT dEpEnDiNg On WhO yOu ArE, EvErYoNe SeEs ThE wOrLd FrOm A dIfFeReNt PoInT oF vIeW:.x:.*
*... so heres mine ...*
*xX.Xx*Be >happy< and try the >hardest< at everything you do!*xX.Xx* |
|  |   Favorite Things Food .**.ApPlEs *..*HoNeY*..*Happy Hippos* Music RnB,HiP-HoP,DaNcE TV Show ,>,>*SeX & ThE cItY<,<***,FrIeNdS!!!!*** Author .~*!?..ErRr..?!*~. Movie **HoW tO lOoSe A gUy In 10 DaYs** DaDdY dAy CaRe* Night Club / Bar .>'*x...+*+BaMbOo+*+...x*'<. Animals *>+xX.+''*+Kittens+*+.Xx+< *'' Person x...*~Dani - BeSt-M8~*...x[GuNa-MiSs-U-nXt-YeAr]x Place .::x+X*+~Somewhere warm and cosy~+* Possession/Thing '*x<Xx..~*~CuDdEliNg~*~..'*x >Xx |
 Details Last logged onCool Tools™ only Advanced statsCool Tools™ only |
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