In my own words Random//Lovely//Funny//Drunk// Cheeky.. Wants to be Chuck Bass/Barney Stinson Works for a Mortgage Admin Company//Technical Support .. Lives for Friday Nights//Smacks + DrunkenDragon + Apple Sourzz = <3 Blackberry <3 226E0B8F Bums Blink182 Always!$ Rock Band> Guitar Hero//I pwn them both.. Offt HayleyWilliams//pure sexx.. My Fiesta is a Beaast//I WANT TO GO FAST.. Will Ferrell is a Comedy Genius//I tea-bagged your drum kit Spongebob Squarepants is my Hero.. Family Guy <3 HIMYM <3 Gossip Girl <3 msn//reckless__abandon@hotm ail.
My Mum Says... Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?...Sponge bob square pants... Absorbant and yellow and porous is he...Sponge bob Square pants... If nautical nonsense be something you wish...Spongebob square pants... Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish...Sponge Bob Square Pants
Rawrr back at ya! Ha ha, I'm good thanks! How's yourself? How much of a genius is Will Ferrel?? Finished watching Blades of Glory for about the 50th time yesterday!! x