In my own words
 i'm andi, but i'm often referred to as barbie or blondie. i'm 16 going on 17. i have an obvious obsession with the color pink! i drive a sparkly, light pink land rover that i always drive real fast! :) i'm 5'3 and like 93 lbs. good things come in small packages is what i always say. ;) i have 2 chihuahuas and a maltese- barbie, zsa zsa, and candy. they're my babies. i love hello kitty. i dot my i's with hearts. i cuss like a sailor, arrr. i like to drink, and i like to smoke. i'm told i'm funny. i know i'm not perfect, but i'm cofmortable with myself. sorry if your not, but that's no reason to dislike me. i'm ditzy lots of the time, but that's just how i am. everyone i know thinks i'm a dumbass. :) i have a pretty bad case of add. i live in my own little world, but i wouldn't want it any other way. i'm a small girl, with big dreams. i think it's funny when people talk about very outspoken and will tell you whats on my mind like it |