In my own words well im a pre op transexual what you see is what you get if you like my pics n my profile send me a message n i will get bk to you TTYL XX
this is for all the guys that dont get it im a transexual n proud its not my problem if your far too lazey to read it so take 2 mins n read it i am who i am n its not easy dont joudge me at all unless you got the balls to stand up n live this way
My Best Day... was wen i met my strong brill guy who has my respect your best thing to happen to me xxx
Howdy *Waaves* ... :) how the devil are you on this glorious spring nighttime?!!? welll not glorious but it will do for now! just thought id give you a lil message to introduce luke and im from portsmouth going to london on septemeber to study at university level which should be fun :) anyways be great to tlk so if u fancy it give me a tinkle back :) xxx luke xxx
Dnt put this up plz.even if ur not intrested can u still let me no cuz its not offten i find my type of girl on ere u no wot i mean,id lov to take u out.i only want no so i dnt get my hopes up.its cuz the last few girls turned out to b made up pics out of mags,n i dnt play games n to many people on ere do,xXx
heyya huni just wondering if ya fancy a chat if you do heres my addy [email protected] or can i have your addy please like get know u more better if dnt mind that hopefully hear from ya soon love profile sounds really good huni wb xxx ill be online now lol