In my own words err wel wer 2 start .. my tags david,im 19, my longest relationship ws 3 yrs n now i cnt seem 2 keep a girl 4 more dan 3 months lol (its my insecurities or maybe its my luks lol)i lv goin out 2 pubs n clubs wiv the lads we always end up avin a lot 2 much 2 drink n makin compleat tits of ourselves u aint ad a nite out til uv ad a nite out wiv us lot lol i no i aint much 2 luk at so i like 2 think my personality is my best feature bt il leave dat 4 u 2 decide iv also bin told i gt a nice smile bt i cnt c it personaly,i treat girls how they wanna b treated i like 2 think i no wot a girl wnts lol bt den agen dnt every man think the same,we're usually wrong aswel aint we ladys wana no more or jst chat or generaly send abuse its up 2 u add me on msn
In A Perfect World... there would be no shallow ppl at all think about it the more ppl that base everthin on looks the less chance i got of findin a partner :-(
awww it's only dave G with a picture about... 7 years old haha no joke either! hows it going spud?! bin up to much? only just got this, quite good like prefer it to bebo but nowhere near as many people has it! rb lerd xxxx