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I spent most of my money on girls,fast cars and booze....and the rest i just wasted (G.Best).
Name: Nobody (nobody's perfect)
Details: 41 years old (Virgo), Male, Single, Straight
Location: cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/big__papa
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me in the red jacket!
me and Dog face (rhydz)
In my own words

Im 23 year old globetrotting extrovert about to embark on scaling mount Killanajaro in africa with my dad for charity.I enjoy socializing, extreme sports, working out, Romanticizing ladies with my ukulele or banjo (your choice)and showing them a good time. I would obviously prefer attractive women but looks are not essential. You might be ugly and venomous like a toad, yet you bear a special jewel inside your head and thats what I look for (personality) and anyone whos up for a laugh, and you have to be good looking... and preferbaly have arms legs a head and a torso and loads of money lol..
My Eternal Dilemma...

If money doesn't grow on tree's, then why do banks have branches? Has anybody ever seen a baby pigeon??? Why is abbreviation such a long word? Are zebras black with white stripes or white with black stripes? If practice makes perfect and nobodys perfect,why practice? Do bald men get dandruff? Why do banks leave their doors wide open..yet chain the PENS to the counter?? Why is Greenland Ice and Iceland green? Why am i putting these pathetic things here????
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Comments 4 of 4 | post a comment | view all
woowoo-wench wrote...  
HA! ive actually seen you out. Ya looked cool in the 'diff...was I wrong!
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sugar4myhunni wrote...  
well didn't you grow up from a lil cutie to a big sex pot.... fancy chatting babe???? x x x x
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tarjoe wrote...  
i'm sure you could charm the fat birds out the trees babe no problem ....
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xxxjet77xxx wrote...  
ur eternal dilemma is awesome.. me n my mate were gutted we stayed in on a sat night then read that n been pissin ever since... nice1 huni.... x
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Favorite Things

anything but shelfish...shelfish is stinkin

Indie, rap, R& B, and cheese

TV Show
WPT, UFC, CBB, Takeshi's castle, Ray Mere's

joseph heller

Gladiator, shaw shank, sin city, Zulu, braveheart

Night Club / Bar
Life, Liquid, POW, the George, the three brewers

Tazmanian Devil, My dog tarker

Tank Abbott, Mike sexton, sinisa mihajlovic,

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Cancun, Queenstown, S.A, Dubai

My Dog Tarker


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