In my own words Hi I'm Elizabeth I'm 25 years old I have green and brown so hazel eyes lol and long brown hair and I'm about 5 foot six I think lol anyway not too good at filling these things out I've just come on here to see what type of people out there as I've had bad experiences with dating sites before so not getting my hopes up lol a lot of people just seem to mess me about or just want one night stands and that it's just not me but anyway I have my own rescue I've been doing it for five years it's a bunny rescue lol I know A lot of people might think it's strange but they are such beautiful and intelligent animals and there are so many out there that get neglected so I started up my own rescue it is very hard work and I never get a day off lol but it's worth it to make sure that they're all happy and safe I'm a big animal lover as you probably can tell I also have Dogs they are like my children so they only get the best :) anyway want to know an