In my own words if u wanna add me to msn it [email protected] i never know what to write on here!! here goes am from barnsley but i am am original dee dah so yea am from sheff!! i like to go out n get drunk wi lasses n recently a few of lads too! am always up for a laugh and enjoy doin new fings av got a bubbly personality and will do owt for anyone! remember always be nice to someone if there nice to you!! plus av also found some flabulous mates at work too hehe they try n keep me sane they know wen the hangover pack (quavers n redbull) cum out to keep well away will miss them loads when i leave . . . xxx oh n if you like ya can rate me cos no1 done it yet!! (sorry for writing complete and utter garbage i never know what to write!)
My Mum Says... make sure your wearing clean decent pants . . . just in case you get run over!!
awwww she loves you to babe xxxx omg lol how many comments have i sent you hahaha xxxx r u def comng blackpool babe in few weeks gona be such a laugh !
hey babes xxxx merry xmas have a good one xxx sha sends a big huggle to you for xmas xxxx we are all having a fun night out in the new yr us lot when hes well enough xx
awww ya soo sweet babes xxxx needed that hug today had to have my big dog put to sleep today so heads wedges up my arese right now so thanks for the big hug needed it xxx love ya xxxx
hey babes xxxx awwww just wanted to wish you happy birthday for tuesday xxxx mwah xxxx am working loads so wanted to do it early then i didnt forget me being blonde and all lol xx