In my own words
 Been away for a while so i havent been on here. I decided to create my profile again so faceparty is all new to me again lol so if you wanna chat or just say 'hi' feel free :) oh and er excuse the pics it's the only ones i had in my files but i hope to upload some more in the near future. |
This Week's Plan...
 I'm gonna blow steam out my head like a screaming kettle, I'm gonna talk cod shit to strangers all night, I'm gonna lose the plot on the dancefloor. The free radicals inside me are freakin', man! I'm Jip Travolta, I'm Peter Popper, I'm going to never-never land with my chosen family, man. We're gonna get more spaced out than Neil Armstrong ever did, anything could happen, you know? This could be the best week of my life. |