In my own words **I lOvE**...LOUD music =P »« eyeliner »« fone »« sk8r/mosher bois »« being rebelious =p »« my hair being straight =p »« Manchester »« Afflecks »« Boys deodrant =p »« Café Nirvana »« Black Nail Varnish »« Gigs »« My Bed »« goin out with mates »« **BaNdS**...BLINK 182 =]_x_Taking Back Sunday_x_Story Of The Year_x_Sugarcoma_x_Sugarcult_x_ System of a Down_x_Inme _x_The Used_x_Staind_x_Lost Prophets_x_Slipknot_x_Murderdolls _x_MCR_x_ Disturbed_x_Nightwish_x_Underoath_x_KoRn_x_ Incubus_x_ S tone Sour_x_Atreyu_x_Brand New_x_The Used_x_Funeral For A Friend_x_Jack Off Jill_x_AFI_x_Finch _x_ Rob Zombie_x_NoFX_x_Three Doors Down_x_Fall Out Boy_x_Avenged Sevenfold_x_Kid Rock_x_Offspring_x_Foo Fighters_x_P.O.D_x_Puddle Of Mudd_x_Simple Plan_x_Rage Against The Machine_x_Marylin Manson_x_Cradle of Filth_x_RHCP_x_Nirvana!!!
My Best Day... was being in the same room as Adam Lazzara and Gerard Way!! OMG Hotties :P:D