In my own words
 I would say I am just a normal average down to earth honest, not a materialist head in the clouds and full of themselves persons. I am straight forward, probably too straight forward sometimes, however, willing to learn. Even from my mistakes, yes I make mistakes but isn't that part of life. I could say I am a dreamer at times for if I wasn't I wouldn't be here , I enjoy my work, listening to music and all of the normal stuff. I have a weird sense of humour sometimes and i will respect all beliefs I wouldn't say I have a strong religious belief, but, have an understanding of most religious ideals. I will laugh out loud till my sides ache and cry unashamedly to the most heart-rending piece of music, film or situation that embodies itself.My journey of life is never ending, I am somewhat worldly wise and have clear ideas of what I would like to achieve out of life. I am reasonably confident and generally happy.add me up choosenone1009 is |