In my own words okay seriously on the real note...there are fakes of me on this dang site! is one of the main reason why i joined on here...My name is Kylie not no Rylie or any kind of that bullshit...I do have proof on myspace that I am real the if u c any of them girls with my damn pics they arent real...n i can give to shits if u believe me or not bcuz i know who in the heck i am n that all that matters<33 and 2 the fakers is it really that damn hard to be ur self or r u juss that damn ugly...its okay babes god loves ya!!! even if ur n if ur going to take my pics dun use the paint tool to cover up the K in KYLIE on my pics that has my name on the pics that looks sooo dang fake what that girl RYLIE00 did get a fuckin life babes
In A Perfect World... ppl would start usin their own damn pics!