In my own words well as i say im a full tym mum who loves her son n if ne1 hurt him id kill them!im a nice carin person who loves her mates loads im easilie influenced by emma,u nawty gal hehe heleriouse(sp)! im only mean wen sum1 really pisses me off n it has 2 take alot aswell.i hate ppl who disrespects other ppls homes 2!its jus wrong! i miss ma nanny who passed away on the 8th may 05 the day my lil boi got his 1st tooth R.I.P. NANNY love u. tanya ma cuz who passed away after a lot of suffering from lukimia R.I.P. TANYA love yaz xxx i have a very big family who live as far as manchester n as close as braintree but they maily live in essex area as were from essex lol! ma family r nuttas 2 n we will show ne1 a brill tym! oh yh i gave up drugs 3 yrs ago im so pround of myself i werent a nice person on em wen i didnt have none!dun me 4 the betta :> haha i have a thing for chinese people spec that hans guy off tokyo drift!
If I was a Millionaire... i give a couple of grand ta cancer charity(family reasons)! buy ma own bigish house wiv an extention so my boi dont have ta leave home hehe! go on loadsa holidays n take ma mateys wiv me all expences paid!!! i could go on n on but i wont!!hehe!! oh 1 last thing get ma self fit n back ta pre pg size again!!(wiv a personal sexy trainer)