In my own words hey hey sxc ppl yeh im jen im bubbly up 4 a laugh ! down 2 earth willin 2 chat 2 any1 reali aslong as u nice. if u h8er plz click da X at da top of da page. well dats me u eitha love me or h8 me my msn ask 4 it speak soon mwah x »-(¯`v´¯)-» take each day as it cums i love my lil girl evelyn 2 bits she will alwayz cum first x »-(¯`v´¯)-» x
My Eternal Dilemma... i was avin a chat wiv a m8 last nite bout love and wat it is how u no wen ur in love sumtimes love is an illusion u may feel its love but it may not b . love is spose 2 last 4eva . love is jus a feelin u cant explain it no1 can but wen u do feel love ull no cos it will hit ya wen u least expect it so dont try and explain it cos it 1 of those fings dat cant b explained it jus 1 magical fing dat hard 2 find