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brunette, fiesty, a lot to handle
Name: soph
Details: 40 years old (Leo), Female, In Relationship, Straight
Location: bed, well, on my laptop! in Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Profile Link:www.faceparty.com/baby-soph
Recent photos41 photos | view all
Must pack essentials..
Packing string..
Bridget Jones eat your heart out
Flying High
In my own words

Hi there, i'm Sophie, known as Soph to most. I'm not a perfect girl, i've done things that are wrong, i've been stupid just in the way everyone can be, but I make no apologies for who I am. This is a special shout out to my fantastic mother and my wonderful boyfriend Marcus, who have both been so understanding these last few months when I have undoubtably tried their patience on several occasions. I guess i'm on here to meet all different kinds of people really, as this is in my nature, I'm a born promotions girl! If you get to know me, you may soon learn that I am quite an academic person, yet at the same time I love to live life to the highest possible limit whilst keeping myself grounded. So that about covers it I guess, so get in touch with me if you like what you've read x
In A Perfect World...

After coming out of months of depression, I'm finally at peace with myself
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Spain 07
15 photos
Baywatch Pose
5 photos
The many faces of Sophie!
21 photos
Favorite Things

Fish and Chips!

All sorts really, though i'm a softie at heart

TV Show
Soaps, don't really have time for TV

Chick Flicks/Horror

Night Club / Bar

My Mum and Marcus

Anywhere with the ones I care most about

My Life


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